About ChemoBuddy

A Personal Journey
Picture of the creator of ChemoBuddy

Hello there, I'm Rodney, the creator behind ChemoBuddy, a mobile application that I developed to support cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. My journey with cancer led me to this humble endeavor, and I'd like to share the story behind the app that I hope will make a difference in the lives of those facing similar challenges.

My battle with colon cancer introduced me to the world of chemotherapy, a path filled with uncertainties and tough decisions. As I went through my own chemo treatments, I realized just how crucial it is to have a reliable tool to track every aspect of the journey. That realization ignited a passion within me—a passion to make this tough road a little smoother for myself and for others.

With over 20 years of experience in the software startup world, I set out to create ChemoBuddy, leveraging my skills to give back to the community that I now belong to. There is no fancy team or investors behind this project, just me, my laptop, and a deep desire to make a positive impact.

ChemoBuddy helps chemo patients identify lifestyle, behavior, and symptoms during treatment that are leading to negative side-effects and poor outcomes.

During my own chemo sessions, I realized that information was scattered, and the crucial data that could optimize my treatment was fragmented. That's where ChemoBuddy comes in. It allows users to effortlessly record treatment schedules, document side effects, and monitor their overall well-being. But the real magic happens when this data is distilled into a simplified report—a report that becomes a powerful tool for healthcare providers.

ChemoBuddy's core purpose is simple: to help patients like me navigate the chemotherapy process more effectively, with the ultimate goal of achieving better outcomes and minimizing side effects. It's a tool designed to empower individuals with the ability to track and manage every detail of their chemo journey.

As I continue my personal battle against cancer, I'm humbled by the opportunity to share ChemoBuddy with others who might benefit from it. My hope is that, through this app, more patients can access the best possible care and find comfort in the knowledge that they are taking an active role in their treatment journey.

ChemoBuddy is not about me; it's about the countless individuals who face the daunting challenge of chemotherapy. It's about harnessing technology to make a difference in their lives. I may have developed this app, but it's the users and their resilience that inspire me every day.

Thank you for being a part of this journey, and for allowing me to be a part of yours. Together, let's strive for better outcomes and fewer side effects on the road to recovery.